Guttman Family Donor Advised Fund gGmbH

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Charitable Goals

For each of the goals listed below, the Guttman Family Donor Advised Fund gGmbH has projects, either activities we engage in directly or by means of contributions to charitable organizations.


LUTE We engage in projects to support kindergardens, schools and universities, for example through financing teaching materials or funding field trips. We support libraries as well as issue educational grants in areas related to our goals. We pursue these goals both in Germany and abroad.

Reconciliation, Remberance and Liberation

BROKEN CHAIN We provide financial support for projects that aim at retaining memory and pursuing reconciliation after religious or other forms of persecution, as well as combatting modern slavery and eggregious exploitation.

Social Justice

SCALE We support socially disadvantaged people, for example through donations to organizations that provide social services to those in need, protection for women, legal protection for the poor, etc.

Supporting Graphic Arts

BRUSH We promote artistic and cultural projects, including organizations that support graphic arts and projects by individual artists.

Performing Arts

LUTE We support artistic and cultural projects, especially live performances of music, theater and dance.

© 2023, Guttman Family Donor Advised Fund, gGmbh